At all of The Ohio House properties, we provide structure to our residents.
The structure is designed and programed to enhance the the resident’s physical, mental and spiritual growth. The structure of The Ohio House is built on three foundational principles.
1. Routine
The Ohio House believes that a solid routine ensures a grounded foundation for our residents. We expect all of our residents to adhere to a strict set of daily activities.
2. Recovery
Each resident can and will follow some simple rules. Each residence is assigned a House Manager to ensure a safe and structured environment for the recovering. Rules are in place as a vessel to a sober lifestyle.
- Complete daily chores
- Adhere to nightly curfew
- Employment, school or outpatient therapy
- Alcohol and drug testing twice weekly
- Attend all house meetings
- Active in a twelve step program
- No violence or aggressive behavior
We provide each resident the opportunity to be held accountable on a daily basis. House rules help the individual become reliable, responsible, honest and self supporting. The Ohio House offers additional assistance to our residence so that the path they walk can be beneficial mentally, physically and monetarily.
- Food Card Distribution
- Ride Services
- Life Coaching
- Gym Membership
- Intensive Outpatient Programs
- Nutritionist Meal Planning
- Personal Training Physical
- Job Placement Assistance
- Sober Companionship